Day 24

The days discovery! Temple!

The days discovery! A Temple!

There is one lone patch on my map west of the river, but no further north than where I wake.  I will travel again, just to catch a glimpse of it.

I am fast, and my efforts are rewarded. Just as suddenly as the wood began to die, a green and soaring woodland copse rises from the decay! And in it a temple surrounded by stone statues.

I am pleased to see the temple, but I am in poor health and concerned I will not have enough strength to defend myself from what I might find inside.  I think that I would prefer to be standing here in full health.

With that foolish thought, imagining the day when I can run from my glen of safety to this very spot with no ill effects from the journey I lean against a guardian statue and it rocks to life!

With a thrill of recklessness, knowing my death is near no matter what, I touch as many statues as I can… the ground trembles and I am still.

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